In the summer time there is a lot happening around our winged friends. Female bats create the so called maternity colonies of several up to several dozen or even hundreds of specimens. The colonies are assembled in church attics and house attics, under the roof tiling, old tree hollows, as well as bird shelters. Those are the places in which baby bats are born. Female bats usually give birth to one baby bat, rarely two baby bats. Bat pups are capable of flying after three or four weeks and soon afterwards they are able to live on their own. Until then bat pups exclusively drink milk from the mother’s body, next young bats feed on small insects such as mosquitos, moth, caddis flies, spiders, etc. In the end of July and August bats are seen in greatest numbers – the new generation of bats appears in the air. Male bats are not involved in creating maternity colonies and they do not take part in taking care of the offspring, living alone in the summer time.