

Aktualne prace: Kościół w Skalniku, Kościół w Rzepniku

Trwają prace związane z przygotowywaniem dokumentacji związanej z wymianą pokrycia dachowego wraz z wymianą elementów więźby dachowej będącej w złym stanie technicznym w kościele p.w. Św. Klemensa Papieża w Skalniku, Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Królowej Gór (obszar PLH180037). Prowadzone są również […]


On 7th of September 2019 the Junior Firefighting Team of the Volunteer Fire Corps in Sieniawa organised the bat night. Within the framework of the event, the chiropterologist – Rafał Szkudlarek told about bats’ life and their protection measures. The […]


Due to the works intended to be carried out in St Clement Pope Church in Skalnik, the chiropterologist audited the church and identified the bat exit routes and bat flight paths. In the course of bat watching, 55 adult myotis […]


In effect of the public procurement procedure in the form of the open tender, contracts were awarded to Contractors supporting activities carried out within the framework of the project. Construction works – construction superintendence is performed by SWECO CONSULTING SP. […]


In the summer time there is a lot happening around our winged friends. Female bats create the so called maternity colonies of several up to several dozen or even hundreds of specimens. The colonies are assembled in church attics and […]


You are kindly invited to submit your quotation bids within the framework of the Contract Award Procedure under the Project „Protection of endangered bat species within the framework of the Natura 2000 network in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship” Details on the […]

Possible Fraud or Irregularities Signalling Mechanism

All and any irregularities under projects funded with funds allocated within the framework of the Infrastructure and Environment Programme must be reported by means of the template form accessible via the website or e-mailed to the e-mail account: [email protected] […]


Warmful, peaceful and joyful Christmas, prosperity and success for the New Year 2019 wishes Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Rzeszów

Current State of Play: Winter Bat Shelters

The technical documentation is being drawn up for the purpose of the protection of the winter bat shelters in the Natura 2000 sites of Horyniec PLH180017 and Eastern Roztocze Nature Reserve PLH06009

Current State of Play: the Church in Sieniawa, the Church in Równe

The technical documentation is being drawn up for the purpose of the replacement of the roofing and the rafter framing, that is in poor technical state, in St Nicolau and Holiest Virgin Mary of Góra Karmel Church in Równe, ul. […]